What will soothe you? is a solo exhibition of mixed media works filled with sweet dreams and memories. The exhibition started with a performance ritual using pressed marigolds and a handmade oil containing lavender and coffee grounds. Based on a memory of when my legs were riddled with bug bites during the summer, my mother would rub lavender into them to help soothe the pain. This ritual and exhibition serve as a reminder to treat yourself in adulthood with the same wholesomeness and care as a mother to her child. Often struggling to care for myself in adulthood, I return to my art practice as a meditative act of healing and self-care. I am a lesbian who grew up in a Mexican American Catholic household and struggled to come to terms with how I express myself due to lack of queer representation. I used to heavily perform femininity, and as I have slowly dropped the act over the past few years it has felt like a rebirth. My experience has forced me to build a tough exterior, but my art practice is where those walls come down and I allow myself to be feminine and expressive without fear of judgement. Hands and lavender are repeating iconography throughout the work because of their healing and soothing properties. The exhibition is a reminder to treat yourself kindly and create rituals that will soothe you.